Dear Editor:
As a lifelong resident with a deep-rooted family history in Blount County, I’ve always known how lucky I am to live in such a great community. I have been fortunate to maintain a career in the restaurant business in my hometown for the past 36 years. Over the years, I have had the opportunity of working and becoming friends with many people in the Blount County area.
In January of 2013, I became unable to work to to degenerative spine issues in my low back and neck. I was released from my job of 15 years in July of 2013. Fortunately, I am blessed to have the love and support of my family throughout this change.
On March 12, several friends, under the leadership of Larry Ladd, provided a fundraising benefit on my behalf. The benefit was healed at New Providence Presbyterian Church Westminster Hall, provided by the Rev. Steve Musick.
What started as a group of 30 people quickly grew into over 80 people and over 300 local businesses. I cannot express enough gratitude to Larry and Lynn Ladd for organizing a memorable event. The money raised from the benefit will be used to help pay past and future medical expenses, health and mortgage payments, and monthly utilities.
I would like to that the community and local businesses for their incredible support and generosity. I never expected to be surrounded by friends from grade school, high school, church, local businesses, regular guests and extended family. An estimated 600 people attended.
Thank you to everyone who spent numerous hours of your time putting together a wonderful benefit. The kindness, support, and words of encouragement from everyone have been a heart-warming and humbling experience.
With sincere appreciation and gratitude,
Steve Best
1109 Young Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801